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Reservation Setting

When reserving accommodation, restaurants, and entertainment, we ensure your guests have a fun stay and fast service with our experienced customer service teams.

Our team of experienced receptionists is ready to serve your guests.

Top-notch Customer Care Wherever You Go

Kinect Inc. takes care of your reservations no matter where the road takes you. Whether travel or hospitality, our expert customer support representatives provide prompt and empathic responses to handle bookings and reservations, along with issues that arise from them.

We help your business manage your reservation process, passengers, or guests. We keep customers happy and satisfied with every transaction through the latest technology, insights and analytics, process automation, and customer care.

What Is Reservation Setting

Reservation setting is the process of taking a customer’s reservation request and making all of the necessary arrangements to ensure that their stay is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Our expert reservation setting agents perform this by booking the room or service, confirming the rate, and ensuring that any special requests are met.

Why Choose Kinect

Why Partner With Us

Kinect allows your company to create a strong relationship with your customers and ensure that you close reservations and improve revenue. As we represent your brand and values throughout the customer’s journey, we expand our reach and look for hidden sales opportunities. As you work with us, you’ll be able to increase your conversions and meet additional sales objectives.

Hiring in-house direct selling representatives can significantly increase your overhead costs in infrastructure, recruitment, and training. We handle all overhead costs so you receive cost-effective services while maintaining quality and performance.

Our customer support and sales representatives are equipped with the proper software and hardware, including call handling software to engage customers, manage sales appointments, and close deals.

Our experienced reservation setting teams are trained on the latest data protection measures and comply with robust security policies and regulations. We eliminate and mitigate potential threats and risks to your process.

We cultivate customer trust through our loyal team through a human-focused culture that takes care of customers through every touchpoint. Our expert team addresses the urgent needs of customers to bring joy to customers and drive success.

Get Best-in-Class Customer Experiences Here

Give your guests excellent customer support starting from the reservation to give memorable guest experiences in travel and hospitality.